Friday, September 5, 2008

sleep deprived

so last night was the first night in a couple months that i went to bed before about 4 am. here's the problem, i woke up at about 3 this morning and now i'm still up and can't get back to sleep. so although i went to bed at about 11, i'm still getting just as much sleep, only getting up in the morning. i know i'll crash again by 9, but it' still frustrating to not just sleep it all at night and then not be utterly exhausted the next day. it's annoying to be tired all the time. i hope i have much more of a schedule when i get out to portland so that i'm not just a half zombie all the time.

politics have been in the forefront of my mind lately considering the election and all. i'm not going to share who i support because i believe politics to be an extremely personal affair, but i will say that elections tear this country in half and it's really sad. it should be about us all coming together, but instead it turns people violent, makes people scared to voice their opinions, and just brings out the absolute worst in almost everyone. that's why i'm choosing to keep my vote to myself. i will no longer discuss politics here (i hope) and i will most likely not discuss them with my friends or family. i urge everyone to stay informed from more than one source considering the bias that can exist in certain news sources and to be kind to each other, no matter what. i know, too idealistic. not to mention no one reads this, but i just thought i'd say that.

time to make some coffee and find some awesome infomercials.

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