Thursday, March 26, 2009

Roman's Dead

Car has really bad ideas.

Matt Wells is going to grace my sister wives and I for what is bound to be an unforgettable Easter celebration. Dance parties, coloring eggs, passion plays. All in a weekend's work with Mr. Wells. All you other unfortunate motherfuckers who can't be there should be super jealous and try your hardest to get out here.

I'm starting to feel the longing for my friends on the East Coast. August 3-8 I will be in New Hampshire, but I don't think that I'll be able to get to Pennsylvania unfortunately. But anyone who wants to make a trek to New Hampshire on any day but the 6th when my best friends get married to each other, they can feel free.

My bed is currently broken so I had to sleep in the chair last night and Liz gets up at the asscrack of dawn for work, and I heard her get out of bed, adjust the thermostat and then I don't remember anything else. I slept through all of her morning preparations which includes making some delicious, slightly complicated breakfast (normally). I just slept right through it. Weird. I guess I'm a little over tired.

Tonight I will be doing my 2nd performance with Curious Comedy at Open Court at 8 PM. Come one and all! Everyone can play!!

I miss you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wish i could be there! i'm jealous of all of you!!!