Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I don't think that turtle looks beautiful right now

It has come to my attention that Liz has a way better job than I do. Her stories are way better.

I really want to seriously try writing things that are awesome. So I may start using this as a way to do that. But we shall see.

Yesterday I was so sick I threw up. It has literally been YEARS since I threw up (without the influence of alcohol) from being sick. It was gross. I spent all day sleeping and sipping water and by about 6 I was pretty much back to normal. I cannot even begin to say how happy I am it was only a 24 hour bug. I hate being sick, especially when the biggest symptom is nausea.

Car spends more time yelling at her turtles than she does anything else. I swear. But it's not a bad thing, I'm just saying it's the truth. Now I have to prepare myself for a physical beat down for mentioning her name in my widely read blog. If I don't update for a while, it's because she broke my fingers. One by one. Maybe roller derby IS a good idea for her.

The sun is shining. I should go for a walk.


Anonymous said...

oh nooooooo i'm glad you're feeling better.

i love you!

Anonymous said...

if you like my stories, why don't you put a link to my blog on here? WHY KATIE.